Monday, November 21, 2011


Dear King Zoë,

DON'T.  DON'T.  DON'T get married. Ok, just kidding.  (Sort of).  As you get older, you'll learn that boys have cooties.  Eventually, some fool will tell you that isn't true or you'll begin to have doubts yourself.  Trust me, it is true.  Boys have cooties.  Stay away from them.

More seriously, when you begin to consider romantic relationships, I don't want you to fall for the Disney trap that all every little girl needs for their happily-ever-after is the right Prince.  They're nice stories, but that's all they are.  There's nothing wrong with being a princess, but be the sword-wielding, dragon-slaying, fiercely independent kind of princess.  The kind who knows how to change the oil in her own car.  The kind who doesn't feel like she MUST have a prince in her life to be happy.  The truth is happiness doesn't come from love, money, success, fame or anything else the world tells you will make you happy. Happiness is a choice you make, an attitude, a way of approaching life.

You were born with everything you need to be happy.  Remember that.

All my love,


P.S.  Boys DO have cooties.  Remember that too.

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